Friday, November 21, 2014

UPDATE: Well, well, well. Congressional Republicans give new meaning to the adjective "well-intentioned"

As I noted on Wednesday.

Republicans Have A Long History Of Warning Obama Against 'Poisoning The Well'.  (Huffington Post, 11/20/2014)

Here's a list from American Bridge.   (Surprised it didn't pop up during my research, but perhaps it's just as well.  It might have led to overkill on my part.)

Original post starts here.
New Ways and Means chair Paul Ryan says Obama immigration move would 'poison the well' . (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11/19/2014)

Boehner: If Obama "Acts Unilaterally" on Immigration, He Will "Poison the Well".  (Townhall, 11/6/2014)

McConnell warns Obama not to 'poison the well' after midterms rout.  (The Guardian, 11/5/2014

Rand Paul says Obama executive orders 'poison the well' on immigration.  (Lexington Herald-Leader, 7/1/2014)

Rubio: Obama 'poisoned the well' for reform on 'humanitarian' immigration crisis.  (Politico, 10/16/2012)

On immigration reform, Republicans have boxed themselves in.  (NewsWorks, 11/19/2014)

It clear where the evidence leads.
Obama gave the GOP - notably the House GOP - plenty of time to come up with a reform plan that would bring unauthorized immigrants out of the shadows. The Senate passed a reform plan last year (by a vote of 68-32) that potentially extended legal protection to millions, while toughening border security and boosting law enforcement funding. But the House GOP, which is in hock to the party's right-wing nativists, naturally did nothing.

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