Monday, September 1, 2014

A Letter Dad Wrote to His Parents on Labor Day in 1952


A native of Rockford, Illinois, Dad was the first member of his family to graduate from college.  (Augustana, Rock Island, Illinois, 1939.)

He graduated from the Augustana Theological Seminary in 1943.

In the summer of 1943, he accepted a "call"  (noun, sense 2d) from Messiah Lutheran Church in Auburn, Washington.

By the late summer of 1952, he had decided that a change was in order.  (I was a few months away from my 3rd birthday at the time.)

The members of Messiah Lutheran Church pose for a group photo on April 4, 1944

Labor Day

Dear Mother and Dad:

Since coming back from Great Falls, I have not taken the time to write all about my experiences concerning the call.  

I realize that you might feel that I might be accepting the call simply because it offers me more money.  However, my experience has been more than that.  I sincerely feel that it is God's will for me that I accept this call.  Through the entire experience of considering and accepting this call, there has come within me a sense of peace.  At first when the inquiry came, I felt open to consider it.  Then when the call actually came I felt a sense of peace about going over there to look over the field.  Though on the way to Great Falls there were varied anticipations, when I met some of the members, I again felt a sense of peace.  Returning to Auburn I was fully satisfied that this is what I should do.

Now it is not easy to move.  It would be far easier to stay here and not have to go through the process of getting acquainted with a new group of people and a different set-up. But I believe making such a change would be best for my development in the ministry.  Then, too, I believe it would be best for this church.  While the people here have been very good to us, I feel they take a lot of things for granted.  For instance, since we moved into the parsonage, I have had to do the sexton work of the church.  This is partially my own fault.  However, I have sought to free myself of this duty, and the Board, though willing, has not taken any definite step to see that someone else does the job.  After a number of years in a congregation, working with some people who are perpetually indifferent and lukewarm, it is best to go to another field where one can take a fresh look at a congregation.  Over against becoming discouraged about the indifference is the fact that as the years go by one becomes too attached to the congregation and thus it becomes harder to move away from it.

I feel that I can now leave this congregation with a good feeling.  I can leave this congregation having by and large experienced a very fine relationship.  The people do not want us to go but they realize that this is an advancement for me.  Everyone appreciates advancement.  I must consider this fact that I have been in the ministry for 9 years and my present salary is no more than what seminarians get in their first call.  From that point of view it will be better for us. And we can believe the the Lord will see this also.

The process of leaving a congregation is difficult so I will be glad when this is all over and we are settled again.

The mover will be coming over tomorrow to make his estimate of the cost and needs.  The church in Great Falls will pay all the expenses of moving.

The thing that has surprised me is that I have received several personal letters from active members in the congregation in Great Falls in which they stated they hope it would be the Lord's will that I come.  The Parish Worker also wrote to me.  So I feel that the people sincerely want me.  I am sure that we will be happy there.  In the various places that I have served as a student I always got along very well with the people.

The important thing is to have faith and believe in the Lord's guidance and help, then everything works out all right.  "For everything works for good for them that love God who are called according to His purpose."

We are not doing anything special on this labor day.  The weather is just perfect and I am out in the backyard typing this letter and Marion is doing a big washing today.

Yesterday we took a ride up to the mountains.

With a little baby it is not so easy to go places.  When they are older it will be more enjoyable to take them out.

Larry is doing fine.  He weights over 15 pounds.

Paul has started to ride his tricycle and enjoys it very much.

Even though he didn't know which way to face.
Marion is entertaining Circle B on Thursday evening so she will be busier this week.  Thus she may not write this week as she usually does.

We seem to have a lot of weddings this fall.  I have three wedding during the month of September.  One wedding this week in the Lutheran Church in Kent.

What has happened to the Round Robin(Dad and his siblings kept one up for 40 years.)

Next Sunday after the Morning Worship the congregation will act upon my resignation.

In the afternoon I have the Lutherland Board meeting at which time I will turn over better than $3,000.00 as profit from the summer camps I managed.  I will also have to tell the Board that I am moving to Great Fal1s.  So after the annual meeting they will have to elect another president and find another business manager for their summer camps.

We're glad to hear from home all the news.  It will be a good thing that Roger can work a while to earn money before he goes to school.  By the way you have not said much about Dickie and we have neglected to write.  Is Dickie working for his Doctor's Degree?

It will be nicer to live closer.  It will mean four days less of traveling.  We will be close to Yellowstone and Glacier.  So even with two weeks vacation it would be easy for those in Rockford or Chicago to come and visit us in Great Falls.

We are all feeling good.  People notice that I have lost weight.  Even Doctor Giere comments about it every time he sees me.  However, it is mostly my stomach.  I weigh around 165 which is about right for me.  When I weighed 180 that was too much.  I prefer to stay around this weight.

Greetings to all.

Dad poses with his parents in 1947.


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