Saturday, May 3, 2014

"Brief Insurgency" at Republican Party of Wisconsin Convention

GOP rejects secession, nullification, launches Scott Walker on campaign. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/3/2014)

Why is it I can picture more than one delegate muttering, "Who the hell let those f*****g f*****s in here?"   There was a brief insurgency from the party's left wing. Devin Gatton, leader of the state's Log Cabin Republicans, introduced an amendment to a family values resolution. Gatton sought to have the convention state that a "household with two parents in a committed relationship" is the best environment to raise children. 

The amendment was voted down overwhelmingly and the original language remained, with a "marriage between a man and a woman" recognized as the "best environment to raise children."

Sidebar:  Why do the three other faces in this picture look SOOOOO f*****g bored?

"I just don't see that as anything that going to be addressed anytime soon." (August 2013)

It's all about the base.

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