Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Todd Akin Breastmilk Comment is Satire, but Curtis Had Already Subscribed to this Myth in 2010

Here's a comment by Curtis, no medical expert you can be sure, in response to the article Joel Osteen gets a lecture on homosexuality on ‘The View’.(11/19/2010)

Since Curtis mentions both "breast milk" and "animal proteins", I assume his definition of "breast" includes a cow's udder.

Apparently, the Weston A. Price Foundation* bears some responsibility for this claim with its concerted program of soy misinformation.  

(*The link is to "Reflections on the Weston A  Price Foundation" at vegsource.com.  I received a "this site may harm your computer message" when attempting to access the Foundation's website.)

Excerpt from "Update on the Soy Controversy".  :  

There is just a huge amount of information and misinformation floating around on the internet about the supposed dangers of soy. The loudest anti-soy voices are coming mostly from a close-knit group associated with promoting the nutritional agenda of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF). Sally Fallon, Kaayla T. Daniel, Mary Enig, Julia Ross and Joseph Mercola are all members of the board at WAPF, or honorary members. 

The WAPF was founded by the early 20th century dentist Dr. Weston Price, who traveled around the world to research the diets of populations who enjoyed the greatest longevity. Today the foundation promotes a nutrition agenda based solely on “nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats.”

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