Thursday, September 1, 2011

Supportive Editorial for Rockford Public Library Needs a Fact Checker

Our View: Rockford Public Library adapts, deserves support. (Rockford Register-Star, 8/28/2011)

Excerpt:     More than half of the material the Rockford Public Library circulates is digital — 58 percent for digital, 42 percent for print. The library is checking out seven times as many e-books as in January 2007.

OK, wait a minute.

Here's what the Register-Star reported on July 8th of this year.

Electronic material circulation has surged since the library began offering e-books four years ago, going from 759 in 2007 to 7,544 through June this year.

So you're telling me that the Rockford Public Library circulated 5,462 print items through the end of June?  Out of a collection of 494,261 volumes? Something is seriously wrong in "The Forest City"..

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