Monday, March 21, 2011

How are you preparing yourself for election day?

A Taxing Situation. (Janesville Gazette, 3/16/2011)

Excerpt: All in all, it appears that in the 2011 budget the city was employing 529 people. It’s hard to imagine what 2012 might look like. These people are administrators, secretaries, accountants, librarians, plumbers, lawyers, maintenance people, ground crew, equipment operators, neighborhood development specialists, custodians, waterworks operators, chemists/biologists, bus drivers, economic developers, building inspectors, recreation coordinators, foremen, civil engineers, firefights/paramedics, patrol officers, IT specialists, human resources specialists, assessors, and one city manager. And they’re our neighbors. I’m happy to support these people with my tax dollars.

One librarian, Kelley McDaniel of Portland, Maine, said it very well. (Maine is facing a similar budget situation). McDaniel said that she felt that her tax dollars were like “membership dues” that allowed her to live in a great state. She went on to say that, while she didn’t personally benefit from all the services her money helped pay for, she was happy to continue to pay those taxes because she trusted her elected officials to put the money to the best use - where it would benefit the most people - not just “a handful of individuals.”

I feel the same way. I do not feel my tax burden is too high. I feel blessed that my taxes - city, state, federal - provide me the opportunity to live in an amazing state and the best country in the world. I like Wisconsin and I like what we’ve built here. I like having excellent schools from P4J to the university level. I like bike trails. I like clean water. I like farmland. And I like living in Janesville for so many reasons - some that I understand completely - like the library, the parks, and the water utility - and others that I might not understand - but that I trust that we need in order to have a great city.

I want to trust my elected officials (and those appointed to positions of power) to look out for me and my family - and for you and your family. Not just my pocketbook though - also my quality of life. I believe you get what you pay for.

Good luck to Mr. Levitt and to our city council representatives as they work out next year’s budget. Remember, if you’re not happy with what is going on with your tax money - don’t forget to vote on Tuesday, April 5th. There are four seats open on the Janesville City Council - and those individuals will have a huge impact on where the city spends its (our) money
.  [Emphasis added.]

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