Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chicago Tribune Series on 'Digital Future of Libraries'

Chicago Tribune graphic

Libraries work to meet digital demand.  (Chicago Tribune, 1/17/2011)

Excerpt: “One of the hard things right now is that there are so many different formats,” said Teri Hennes, the Glencoe Public Library’s manager of adult services and electronic resources. “There isn’t really a clear winning format emerging, so whatever tool people buy at this point in time, there may be a completely different, better tool that supercedes it next week.”

Despite the surge in interest in eReaders, Swenson said he doesn’t think ink-on-paper books will ever be eclipsed.

“I’m not going to get rid of every book I own,” Swenson said. “I think there’s a balance that can be met between the new format and traditional books. I don’t think this is the death for books. I think there will certainly be fewer printed books published.”

Giorgi agreed, but said she sees the readers as just another way to get books in peoples hands

I think it's safe to say that public libraries will continue to deal with multiple formats.  (Need to reformat and update for the UW-SLIS class I'm teaching this semester.)

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