Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hint from Heloise: Public libraries offer many services

Link to 'Hints from Heloise' column in the September 20 Houston Chronicle.

Excerpt: Your public library is brimming with services.

Check your local library to see what services it provides. Here are some of the services at the San Antonio library :

You can download e-books, audiobooks, music and videos for free .

It has a bookmobile to bring library service to residents who can't visit a library.

It has a career center where ré sumé s can be checked and pointers for interviews can be offered, and there are even links to local job-search sites.

It has a Dial-A-Story-Line, where young children can be read a story in either English or Spanish.

It has approximately 150,000 government publications. And it has staff available for patent and trademark searching

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