Tuesday, August 3, 2010

7 Phoenix Metro Mayors Decry Inequity of County Library Funding

Link to July 26 Arizona Republic letter to the editor, "We've cut library budgets, county should do same."

Excerpt:   We were deeply disappointed with the recent Arizona Republic editorial regarding the county library tax ("County system no cash cow for cities," June 16). We do not believe it is "simplistic and mistakenly shortsighted" to ensure our residents receive an equitable portion of property-tax dollars they contribute into the Maricopa County library system.

As mayors representing more than 3 million residents, we understand library services are critical to our communities. During recent budget hearings, revenue shortfalls forced most of our municipalities to make drastic cuts in city library services. Many residents came forward to emphasize the importance of libraries to their families, especially during these historically difficult economic times.

Our residents are shocked to learn that the "library tax" on their property-tax bills is not funding the libraries in their communities, but instead is paying for services elsewhere.

We all agree that unincorporated areas and small communities should have access to a quality library system. We never have proposed ending the financial subsidy our residents' tax dollars generate for these areas.

Our concerns are the blatant inequity and lack of fairness with the current distribution of funds

Related article:
Maricopa County Library District Tax.  (6/14/2010)

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Paul ~

    I am affiliated with a nonprofit library support group in Phoenix, Arizona called "Friends of the Phoenix Public Library." I stumbled upon your post, and noticed that you are a "library advocate." And, forgive me if you're already aware, but I recommend that you seek out a Friends group in your area. Library Friends groups need all the support they can get, as I'm sure you can well imagine.

    Keep up the advocacy!
