Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why the Disconnect Between the National Summer Learning Association and Public Libraries?

Waiting to be enlightened.

Link to guest column by Ron Fairchild, chief executive officer of the non-profit organizationNational Summer Learning Association, in the June 21 Washington Post.

Retiring Guy finds it puzzling that Mr. Fairchild and his organization can't seem to build a common agenda with the nation's public libraries.  (Or vice-versa, for that matter.)

574-word article.  "Library" (or "libraries") not found.

The search term "public library" produces the same results.

And on the flip side....

1 comment:

  1. Paul,
    We at the National Summer Learning Association believe libraries play a vital role in summer learning. For example, you'll see them mentioned in our recent Summer Learning Day tip sheet: http:/www.summerlearning.org/resource/resmgr/sld_2010/2010.sldadvisory.doc
