Monday, June 28, 2010

Milwaukee Public Library and the Maintenance of Effort Requirement

Link to Jane 22 Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel article, "Library sanctioned over budget cuts.  Budget trimmed too deeply, state officials say".

Excerpt: Under state law, municipal libraries that belong to federated library systems can't reduce their annual operating budgets below the average of the past three years. But Mayor Tom Barrett and the Common Council chopped 2010 property tax support for the library by $1.2 million, and the library missed its state-mandated target by more than $1 million, Kiely told the Library Board.

As in other city agencies, the library spending cuts were driven partly by a required $49 million contribution to the city pension fund, after years when little or no employer contribution was required. About $750,000 of that contribution covered costs for library employees, but the state didn't count that sum toward its required spending level, Kiely said in a Feb. 17 letter asking for a waiver of sanctions

Link to June 25 Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel editorial, "Hemmed in by rules. Milwaukee Public Library users should not have to suffer because of inflexible rules in tough financial times."

Excerpt: State officials say that state law requires the sanctions in cases where municipal libraries that belong to federated library systems reduce their annual operating budgets below the average of the past three years. But given the serious financial straits that most communities are finding themselves in these days, it might be a good idea for state legislators to change the law to allow for tough times. It's entirely possible that other libraries could find themselves in similar circumstances.

Wisconsin Library Association statement on maintenance of effort. (2009)

Administrative Essentials 17:  Membership in the library system.  (Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.)

South Central Library Maintenance of Effort Q&A.

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