Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Official Preppy Handbook: Unable to Leave Well Enough Alone

1,300,000 copies sold

"The Official Preppy Handbook" was published in 1980 -- in the pre-Geac days.  At least we know that LINKcat libraries weed their collections.

Link to April 4 New York Times article, "Rejoice, Muffy and Biff:  A Prep Primer Rervisited".

Excerpt:    Just when you thought it was safe to get back in your khakis.

Three decades after “The Official Preppy Handbook” was first unleashed into bookstores, a follow-up called “True Prep” is in the works — hoping to reignite preppy fervor, update the mindset and explain just what it means to be a Chip or a Muffy in a Barack world.

The original volume, a slim, plaid-covered paperback that poked fun at the gin-soaked polo-shirt and loafer-wearing set, started out as a piquant bit of mockery but, like “Liar’s Poker,” a bestseller about bond traders, and “Wall Street,” the movie in which Michael Douglas declared greed to be good, it ended up being adopted as a kind of guidebook for those who wanted in.

The book sold 1.3 million copies, many to aspiring prepsters who wanted to know where to shop, what to wear and how to fully appreciate what it called “the virtues of pink and green.

Apparently, some folks are eagerly awaiting this sequel.

Alice Richardson, who blogs at Summer is a Verb, for example.

1 comment:

  1. The author of the handbook wrote a neat college guide review guide in '85 or '86 that listed the interesting things of campuses: sex mores, beer, dorm quality...
