Link to November 10 Opinions of a Wolf blogpost, "I Am A Librarian, And I Am A Lost User".
Lost user is defined as "someone who used to be a regular library user, but stopped going".
Excerpt: Yes, I know, people could easily claim I’m the one at fault in all of this. ("Wolfy" offers 5 reasons why she is a lost user.) If I was more organized, it wouldn’t be stressful. If free books really mattered to me, I would make the time. Etc…. Sorry, but that’s just not my reality. My reality is I have very little time. I feel guilty if I hold onto books way past when they’re due not to mention then I have to pay fines. Reading is supposed to be relaxing, calming, and convenient. My local public library just doesn’t make it that way for me.
Thank you for the link to my blog! I'm glad you enjoyed the post.