Sunday, November 15, 2009

Madison Area Technical College Looks to Evolve, Avoid Irrelevancy

Link to November 14 Wisconsin State Journal article, "Madison Area Technical College embarks on a series of changes, not all of them popular".

Excerpt: The local community college is embarking on a series of major changes, not all of them popular with the public.

Within the past year, the college has experienced unprecedented enrollment, adopted a new nickname and logo and unveiled an ambitious, $350 million facilities plan that will likely require a community referendum.

For a school that has remained a steady, if low-profile, presence in the Madison area for decades, it's as if the long-dormant institution has recently awakened.

President Bettsey Barhorst said she has a clear mission: evolve or become irrelevant.

"We really did try to wake up people," said Barhorst, who is in her fifth year as president. "We saw where enrollment was going. Nothing had been happening for a while. This is a new age, with change happening faster than ever before in human history. If we don't keep up with it, then we become an anachronism and not needed."

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