Thursday, July 16, 2009

Terry Dawson Discusses Appleton Library's Building Project

Link to July 16 Appleton Post-Crescent article, "Q&A: Appleton library director discusses building proposal".

Excerpt: Appleton Library Director Terry Dawson has been front-and-center during the analysis and planning process — and will continue to be.

To provide some insight on where the process has been, where it is now and where it's going, we asked him some questions Tuesday. Here are his answers:

Front and center. Those of us how know and respect Terry's vision and leadership expect no less of him. I hope the project becomes the capstone to an outstanding career in librarianship. Terry is definitely one of our Essentials. (I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for Madison Public Library Director Barb Dimick.)

Terry responds to the following questions:
  • Can you provide a recap on where we are in this process and where it goes from here?
  • If site selection money gets approved, that means the project is a go?
  • Is there a particular split between public and private funding that you have in mind?
  • You recognize the concerns of the Common Council and the need for Council support?
  • What kind of public conversation needs to be held?
  • What about a referendum?
  • What's the biggest misconception?
  • What about people who like the library now and don't really see what's missing?
  • One thing that seems certain is that a library should be downtown, right?
  • What else do people need to know about this process?
    • Terry provides us with an excellent example of how to present your case to the public, and I hope he grants me permission to use it for session 13 of the public library administration course I'm teaching for UW-SLIS this fall.

      1 comment:

      1. Paul, you are too kind. I'm fortunate to be part of a terrific team of staff, board members, volunteers and community supporters.

        The answers I was able to supply to the paper were brainstormed with contributions by a lot of our staff as we worked to prepare a building FAQ for our website. So when I sat down with the reporter I was tapping into a lot of collective wisdom.

        If this is at all helpful for your class, feel free to use as you see fit.
