Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wisconsin Library Association 2009 Library of the Year

Link to July 28 Sheboygan Press article, "Tops in the state".

Excerpt: No one quite knows how many libraries are in Wisconsin, between the 387 public libraries, 130-some college and university libraries, 2,000-ish public school libraries and untold private libraries.

But one thing is for sure — the University of Wisconsin-Sheboygan's University Library topped them all this year.

Two years after moving from the basement to high-tech new digs in the Acuity Technology Center, the college's library has been named the 2009 Library of the Year by the Wisconsin Library Association. The award is the first won in Sheboygan County in more than 30 years and the first ever given to one of the 13 two-year UW Colleges.

Congratulations to Library Director Jeffrey Ellair and his staff.

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