Sunday, January 31, 2021

Meet Barry Usher, racist member of the Montana state legislature


In Retiring Guy's world, he will wear a clown face until he apologizes to the Rev. Laura Jean Allen and Rabbi Laurie Franklin.  

Barry Usher

Daily Montanan, 1/27/2021
Reckoning with whiteness.  The bill is one of many that GOP lawmakers have introduced as they rush to move forward on passing conservative policies and capitalize on having a Republican in the governor’s office for the first time in 16 years. The committee did not take action on the bill Tuesday. 
Testimony from both the Rev. Jean Allen, senior minister at Helena’s First Christian Church, and Rabbi Franklin, with the Har Shalom congregation in Missoula, were halted because they mentioned race, which Usher said was not related to the bill.

Dear Gusher of Intolerance,

Let the people speak.  Do not be afraid.
Retiring Guy

Related reading:
The fall of the committee of Usher.  (Daily Montanan, 1/28/2021)

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