Sunday, June 27, 2021

GET ME REWRITE: How naive is Rebecca Kleefisch?

This sycophantic naïve!

“Largely in Wisconsin I see only unity over policy victories,” Kleefisch said. “Now there may be some division over personality and whether (Trump’s) Twitter account was helpful or harmful, but at the end of the day Donald Trump is not going to be on the ballot, but his policy legacy is.”
This from someone who one Scott Walker staffer dismissed with the comment, "I don't see how anyone can take this woman seriously."

Happy 2022, WI GOP.

Original 12/3/2019 post, "That was then, this is now:  Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch", starts here.

That was then

Reported in The Lt. Governor that nobody wanted.  (Urban Milwaukee, 10/7/2014)

Retiring Guy confirms that Lt. Gov. Kleefisch offered up major fluff at the 2016 Wisconsin Library Association Library Legislative Day.

This is now

Reported in Scott Walker touts Rebecca Kleefisch for governor, won't rule out political comeback.  (, 12/3/2019)

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