Friday, February 26, 2016

A question of balance: 2-and-out the 2nd time around for Freedom Caucus member Matt Salmon

Freedom Caucus founder announces retirement, citing work-life balance concerns.  (Christian Science Monitor, 2/25/2016)

Source:  Ballotpedia (2012-2014), Federal Elections Commission (1996, 1998, 2000)

I'd say it's pretty certain that AZ5 will remain in the Republican column after November 8, 2016.

Other Salmon posts:
Matt Salmon presents, The disobedient doggies in the Speaker's kitchen.  (1/14/2016.
Freedom Caucus members pledge allegiance to the NRA.  (1/6/2016)
The Freedom Caucus, Congress' crybabies (part 6).  (12/20/2015)
Planned Parenthood videos altered? Makes no never mind to.. (11/29/2015)
Freedom Caucus 'crazy' Matt Salmon: A man needs a maid (but I have no use for Paul Ryan).  (10/24/2015)
Meet 'the crazies' in the U.S. House of Representatives,  (9/29/2015)
Meet the members of the Republican Study Committee.  (7/1/2015)
No friend to the environment.  (11/16/2015)

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