Monday, November 10, 2014

Continuing to Bend Over for the Koch Brothers is a Different Position?

As Legislature tilts further right, agenda to grow more conservative. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11/9/2014)

Which substitutes "different" for "better" and didn't include "in so many ways" the first time I encountered this quote here.   (Whatever the case -- recycling or mistranscription -- I'm going to have some fun with it.) 

2015-17 legislative session:
Dear Senator Fitzgerald:  Better for whom?  (11/7/2014)
Wisconsin's Republican legislative leaders say "meh" to job creation.  (11/7/2014)
Meet Mary "No Theatrics Here" Lazich, newly elected Wisconsin State Senate President.  (11/7/2014) 
A giddy Robin Vos announces his legislative agenda.  (11/5/2014)
Take note as the arrogant, selfish Scott Walker contradicts himself.  (11/5/2014)
Scott Walker keeps a promise not to make a promise.  (11/5/2014)

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