Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Is a Village Post Office in Your Library's Future?

Post office ponders closing 1 in 10 retail outlets. (AP story in the Spokane Spokesman-Review, 7/26/2011)

Excerpt: The Postal Service is considering closing more than 1 in 10 of its retail outlets.

The financially-troubled agency announced today that it will study 3,653 local offices, branches and stations for possible closing. But many of those may be replaced by Vill
age Post Offices in which postal services are offered in local stores, libraries or government offices. [Emphasis added.]

According to a Reuters article, Village Post Offices would sell stamps and provide flat-rate packaging services.   [Actually, Costco already sells stamps, as long as you want to buy 100 at a time.]

So....is this a part of a sustainable funding program for public libraries?  Or is it more like a tax-forms dump?

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