Monday, March 7, 2011

Pico Iyer: "To save money by reducing library services and resources is like trying to save a bleeding man by cutting out his heart"

Call rewrite! A bit cumbersome and too wordy for a sign.

Sanctuary amid the stacks. (Los Angeles Times, 3/7/2011)

Excerpt: Our state and city budgets are in desperate shape, we all know, but to save money by reducing library services and resources is like trying to save a bleeding man by cutting out his heart. Or — if we could reach it — his soul. Measure L on the Los Angeles ballot March 8 proposes to use a greater share of city funds not only to ensure that every library around town is open at least six days a week, but also to support such library programs as student homework help, adult literacy courses and job search facilities. Vote yes on Measure L if you don't want to see how costly saving money in the wrong place can be.

Related article:
Los Angeles to vote on March 8 library funding ballot question. (2/25/2011)

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