Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reporter Finds a Ton of History about the Duluth Public Library at the Duluth Public Library

Link to November 21 Duluth News Tribune article, "Duluth Public Library almost as old as city".

Excerpt: The other day, I stopped by the reference desk at the library.

“I’m looking for information on the history of the Duluth Public Library,” I said.

Chris Aho, a librarian, promptly led me to a filing cabinet and retrieved nine folders. I was shown to a table in a quiet area, given the files, and invited to sit down.

“I’ll be right back,” she said.

Soon she returned, wheeling a cart groaning under the weight of 38 folios, 10 oversized binders, a thick manila envelope and a handful of dog-eared bound volumes. I gulped.

As I began to look through the materials, I marveled; I did not have to prove American citizenship, I did not have to be a Duluth resident and I did not have to pay anything to access this information.

In only five minutes, the magic of the public library had revealed itself to me: This is a place for everybody, with equal access for everyone

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