Thursday, October 7, 2010

DeForest Village Administrator Proposes 'No-Nonsense' Budget for 2011

Link to October 6 DeForest eNews article, "Proposed budget has 2 percent increase".

Excerpt:    DeForest Administrator Steve Fahlgren said the proposed 2 percent increase translates to about $32 for a $250,000 home. The tax rate is $6.59 per $1,000 of equalized value, an increase of 13 cents from last year's rate of $6.46 per $1,000.

Last year's budget had a 0 percent increase over the year prior.

"Based on the outcome of the public hearing and action by the board, (the budget) could change," Fahlgren noted.

The public hearing on the budget has been scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 6 p.m. in the DeForest Public Safety Building courtroom.

At this point, Fahlgren said the village doesn't expect any service level cuts and there are no increases in full-time equivalent employees.

The biggest capital outlay expense in the proposed budget is for a ton-and-a-half truck for the Public Works Department. Funds will be borrowed for street reconstruction and utility-type projects.

"It's kind of a no-nonsense budget," Fahlgren said.

Compared to other municipalities, Fahlgren said DeForest was "not as challenged" while creating a budget for the upcoming year because of lingering effects from an omission at the state level in 2008.

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